Shoot your shot?

We are living in the world where we are fighting for equality between man and women. In a world of beautiful, goal driven, ambitious and strong women, women who will stop at nothing  to get what they want but approaching a man they really like. why in 2018 is it still a taboo when a woman shoots her shot? slide in them DMs sis and get your life (in this case partner).

As a young, strong, ambitious independent woman i really don’t see anything wrong with telling a guy i really like how i feel. For a very long time i believed what i was told which was “let a man work hard to get you, he should be the one coming to you to confess his love for you and make him wait or he’ll think you cheap” well… i think part of this is true however the “wait” doesn’t determine your worth. If his intentions are not pure you can make him wait years/weeks/days/hours but he’ll still won’t treat you like a Kween because he’s here to pass time but if he truly loves you,respects you and sees a future with you he will treat you like his Kween doesn’t matter how long you made him wait. I  believe it’s how you carry yourself and the beauty your heart is what will make him fall in love with you.

If you have been speaking to a guy and you know him (even though we can’t say we really know a person but..) know he’s values and ambitions, he ticks all the boxes and you know you would like to date him but when he asks you out you want to “think about it”, sorry think about what you already know you want.I personally don’t like games (hence i suck at the love game) and i try to be always honest and transparent with my feelings because that keep me grounded and close to myself. The only time i say “I’ll think about it is when i am not interested and i want a polite way to get out of that situation.

Honestly i also have conformed to the society’s BS for a very long time even when i knew that the rules weren’t working out for me. Ok let me be clear, you see i have a resting “bitch face” and i walk like i have gold mines digging up in my back yard which makes it hard for people (men i like) to approach me because i come across as mean, don’t fuck with me (OK this one is true) and snobby wheres i am the opposite of that so for people to get to know me i have to approach them and actually talk to them (as hard as it may be for me).

However i also understand that some men are trash and idiotic they may take this opportunity to play you instead of politely telling you they are not interested in you when they not which is OK by the way.

Rejection….Yes! sometimes things don’t go how we would like for them to and we don’t get what we want but Oops are better than What Ifs. We just have to take the leap of faith and Y.O.L.O (i can’t believe i just said that, i never say YOLO).

I know that putting yourself out there can be very challenging but we grow from taking risks and learn from our mistakes. You like someone? tell them, life is too short we honestly don’t know what the future holds.

What is your take on this subject? men how do you feel about women shooting their shot? let me know .

20 Things I learnt at 20


Hey loves 🙂

I know i have been gone for a minute ( ok maybe 2, lol) that is because i had problems with laptop, had tons of school work and i was feeling uninspired but i am baaaack! 🙂 with 20 things I learnt at 20. I am going to list these things in no particular order.

OK let’s get into it..

1.Prayer works and You need God.

2.If they don’t know you PERSONALLY don’t take it PERSONALLY. People hate on you for no reason even when they don’t know you but you can’t let that hate bother you people will always have something so say whether you doing bad or good.

3.Proverbs 10:4 “lazy hands make for poverty, but diligent hands bring worth”. Things you wish for won’t be given to you have to get up and get to it. Do something your future self will thank you for.

Daddy always said to me “work like a slave so you can live like a Queen/King”.

4.Don’t just dream about it but put in the work, OK i know this is kinda similar to my previous point but what i mean here is that i had a lot of great ideas that remained just that, IDEAS/DREAMS, because i was scared of rejection,i was lazy always procrastinated and made every excuse in the book not to work on them and make them reality. It’s great to dream as long as you wake up and put in the work or your dreams will haunt you and God will give them to someone else then you’ll end up being bitter.

5.Believe in yourself. you can do whatever you put your mind and heart so stop doubting yourself.Limits only exist in your mind.

6.You can’t help everyone fill up your cup first.

7.Love them all but trust no one, people only “love” you when it’s beneficial for them.

8.Let go of people. this has to be the hardest thing for me because once you are in my life and i love you it’s hard for me to just let go even if it’s not working out but some people are in our lives for a season when that season come to an end gracefully walk away no hard feelings no hate.

9.Don’t be scared or shy to communicate your feelings, stand up for yourself i know it’s not an easy thing to do sometimes because you don’t want to hurt somebody’s feelings or hear the ever annoying “you too deep” comment but it needs to be done!

10.I am not for everyone/everything and everyone/everything is not for me and that’s OK.

11.Call your best friends often and communicate with them they really love you and they really are your true friends, stick with them.

12.Quality over Quantity. I learnt that you can have many friends and everythig you want but still feel empty it’s important that you associate yourself with people who truly love you and want the best for you,people who you can talk about your dreams and life with and people who have the same vision as yours. Also sis forget about the price tag for a minute buy a pricy dress that will still look good next year than a cheap one that will be ruined afer 2 washes.

13.Go out more,go see places, try out new food and learn about other cultures.

14.Always stay true to yourself as dramatic,extra and weird as you are  always stay true to yourself ,don’t ever shrink yourself for someone’s comfort.

15.What is for you will end up with you it doesn’t matter how long it takes.

16. Family is everything they will always be there for you but that doesn’t mean you won’t fight but they worth fighting for. I’d go to the extreme for mine.

17. Your success is your responsibility! friends and family can only support you in becoming successful but can’t give it (success) to you…S/O our parents for the sacrifices they have made for us to be where we are today.

18.Be kind to people and protect your peace by all means

19.Don’t ever be ashamed of where you coming from because it doesn’t define you

20.Be nice to yourself you’re doing great.

Those are some of the things i have learnt i hope y’all enjoyed the post and learnt a thing or two, please share with me some of the things you have learnt in life i’d love to hear.

Let’s connect….


UNI Series: Self-Care


Hey loves! Happy new month i pray that your hard work pays off this month and your prayers get answered and may we all grow and do better. This month i am coming to you with a Uni series where i will be talking about how to get your shit together get all your work done on time,have a social life and care for yourself.

In Uni/college we are always overwhelmed with loads of school work, trying to meet deadlines, studying for multiple tests in one week, have a social life and work trying to balance all of these things leave us drained and we hardly ever take time for ourselves.

Self-care is very IMPORTANT!. It is important that you take time off away from your friends,school,work and the world take time just for YOU! time for you to do all the things that make you happy, things that make you feel alive and things that make you grow. Write, read, create, pamper yourself, listen to music, take a shower/bath,shave,walk, put on a mask, cook, watch a movie, pray, drink wine/coffee/tea,dress up, take a walk/run, call someone you love.

Give the attention and love to your body,mind and soul because when you don’t you can’t perform to your best abilities and it is easy for you to let outsiders(people and social media)make you feel inadequate, for you to be insecure and feel threatened by other people’s success when it should INSPIRE you. Ladies! another woman’s beauty is not the absence of your own!.

When you don’t take care of yourself or not giving yourself the love and attention you deserve you seek it from people but no matter how much people try to show you how much they love you it’s never enough because they can never fill the void in your heart,ONLY YOU CAN!


We all aspire to be the best versions of ourselves right? so it should be our top priority everyday to be better, do better and work harder towards that. Learn something new everyday.

Our lives are a reflection of our thoughts if you believe that life is horrible and you are always negative guess what? that’s how your life will turn out because you don’t take time to be grateful or recognize the positive things in your life and around you but when you are always positive even when things are not going your way and you always see the light in every situation you become happier and have a fulfilled life.

Be careful with what you feed your mind and people you allow in your space because people we hang out with influence us, The music we listen to also influences the way we think, view life and act so listen to music that inspires you than songs that make you feel like you are superior to other people or songs that make you feel like you have to do certain things for you to be “cool” like do drugs (Guys these artists are not doing the things they sing about they are giving us what we want to see/hear so they can make sales).

d8705f6d5463d46a625a82f75274e0e2--quotes-about-flowers-flower-quotes   love


Your body is the temple of the Lord and YOUR WORLD, the only world you will live in and have total control to shape it how you want to so Respect it and Love it. Watch what you put into it because what you put into it will be reflected on the outside and on how you think. When you feel good about yourself you do good

1.Drink  a lot water

2.Exercise (take the stairs,take a walk )

3.Listen to good/inspirational music (I will write a post about my Girlboss playlist soon 🙂 )

4.Eat healthy. They say you are what you eat

5.Get enough sleep

get enough sleep            self-care


Do something your future self-will thank you for


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I can never say this enough but it is important that you surround yourself with people who inspire you to be a better person and push you, having a strong support system makes the journey more easier and fun at times i don’t know about y’all but whenever i am feeling stuck or discouraged i always go where i am loved and appreciated.

Sleep sleep! those “Grinding while everyone is sleeping blah blah” posts around 1:h00am-3:h00am by people who probably can’t sleep because of insomnia or they have great internet connection but trying to make other people feel shitty about themselves drove me crazy because well,take a wild guess………they made me feel shitty about myself/life like i wasn’t working hard enough when in reality babe you need to rest don’t overwork your body and your brain need to rest i am not saying  over sleep or anything like that i am saying sleep is good for you try to go to bed early and/or get enough sleep.

Relax. my favorite thing to do when i want to relax i watch YouTube videos and That’s so Raven or Totally spies just to laugh a bit and they remind me of my childhood. I clean because when your environment is clean it makes you feel so much better and makes you feel refreshed.

Prayer works- i am a christian i love God so much he is my safe place and brings  me so much joy and peace when i am sad, happy,frustrated and feeling lost or stuck i go to him. To me my time with God is very important and i would advice you guys to talk to God in the morning when you wake up and before you go to bed and anytime during the day. Ask him anything and everything he will answer your prayers.

Your life is your responsibility you have to look after yourself you are your responsibility love yourself unconditionally. sometimes the love we seek from other people is the love we need from ourselves . There is no love greater than self love.



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enjoyed this post? leave me a comment and follow me on my social media i will definitely follow you back:

twitter: @QingaThabisa

IG: @teysha_que

Drake- God’s plan

This song is without a doubt my current favorite song and probably will be my favorite song for-like-ever. I want us to talk about the official music video though which is the inspiration for this post. I think the official music video of the song is amazing i love it so much i even shed a tear when i was watching it because it is just so beautiful and Hi my  name is Tey and i am a cry-baby :).

As much as i love this song and think it is beautiful i know that there are people out there who think otherwise; people who think that it is abashment to those people or Drake is just flexing or doing that for publicity(I mean that man can post his hair and social media would go crazy so publicity?Nah!) that he shouldn’t have documented the whole thing because when you give you shouldn’t let the whole world know about it. I totally get where those people are coming from because even the bible says so but i feel like we are living in the world where negative things are being promoted and everyday we wake up to a tragedy from Natural disasters, people being killed,women and children being abused, sex taps being linked and reality shows/stars and instagram baddies showing us their “perfect” lives making us feel inadequate ( which is all a lie we all know that everything on social media is staged and fake”) i feel like in a world of “f*k you i am a savage and me me me” we need a reminder that there are good people out there people who care about other people and who better to do so than someone we look up to and love dearly.

In this cruel world we live in we need kindness, positivity and love.

Why must we only see negativity and engage in conversations that leave us drained? why must good deeds be done in silence and in corners?can love trend too?

I know that a lot of people like Akon did a lot for people off camera and that is amazing but i also feel like there are children who are feeling lonely, lost and on the verge of giving up on life because let’s be real life can be hard and people are mean; did you smile at anyone today? did you help anyone today?see my point?, maybe that child needs to know that somebody somewhere cares and they are not alone. What Drake did may have planted a seed in some kid’s brain that giving without expecting anything in return is “cool”,being kind is “cool”.

It’s not often that we see rappers give back it is so refreshing to see one do and we should applaud good deeds.

Personally i am touched by this video and is one of the few beautiful and positive things i have seens on the internet in a minute.


Role models are people we look up to and we aspire to be like, i am pretty sure our parent’s would want Mr Champagne Papi to be our Role model don’t you think? lol




what’s your take on this? leave me a comment or follow me on my socials 🙂




10 Random facts about me!



Hey loves! i want to share with you guys 10 random facts about me just for you to get to know me a little better and please feel free to tell me 10 random facts about yourself in the comment section below.

OK let’s get into it.

10 Random facts about me

  1. Hi! i am a blogger 🙂 it took me a very long time for me to comfortably say that when the question “so what do you do?” popped up ,even today i still get a little shaky when that question comes up because not many people understand what a blogger is and when i explain it they give me those “you’re such a coconut (white person in a black body) stares” because black people were made to believe that there are certain things we can’t do we just have to be a chartered accountant, teacher, nurse or doctor or social worker and whatever that outside that is not even considered.
  2. . I am terrified of snakes 😦 we not even going to get into it because even the thought of them freak me out .
  3. McDonald’s is the best thing in the world <3. I love McDonald’s so much.
  4. I have never ever been in a “serious relationship” and funny enough i am all for them but things just never work out like i would like them to 😦
  5. I don’t know how to ride a bike. I had a bike when i was little but my brother took it even though it was pink.
  6. The first thing i try to do every morning is to listen to motivational videos on YouTube because what you hear in the first 20 minutes after waking up will determine your mood for the rest of your day so i try to stay motivated and inspired.
  7. I am single.
  8. Coffee make me so drowsy and i haven’t had it in almost 6 months now but i am debating whether i should go back to it or not.
  9. I was obsessed with Cape town before i even came here and i will do a blog post on things i love about this city and places to visit on a budget because things are a little bit pricey around here.
  10. Being alone doesn’t mean i am lonely- i am that kid on campus that 98% of the time is alone heading to the library lol. Guys i never fitted in any group in my life it’s so hard to find people who understand me and people who are into things that i am into.,i am always that weird one and honestly y’all i love being alone because i can think and  do the things i love doing without the fear of being judged.

That is all for now i hope that helped y’all to get to know me a little better lol and you actually find these little facts interesting but even if you didn’t it’s ok.

Let’s connect…

twitter: @QingaThabisa

Instagram: @Teysha_que

Facebook: Thabisa Qinga (Gugu)


This is a very late post but I really want to post it so pardon me. 

If you didn’t know I celebrated my 20th birthday on the 11th of February and i just want to thank each and every one of you who wished me a great day i truly appreciate your love. Before my birthday i didn’t want to celebrate my day or even be excited about it because i felt like i have nothing to show for these years i have lived like i am nowhere near to where i want(ed) to be or thought i would be by now. i remember having a melt down about this because i was feeling overwhelmed i forgot about God’s grace,i forgot about the hard work i have put to be where i am today, about all the sacrifices that my parents made for me to be where i am today, i forgot how blessed i am to even be alive and living in the most gorgeous city (if you didn’t know i am obsessed with Cape Town). i forgot about the process or maybe i didn’t even think about the process when i constructed these goals in the first place i thought it would be easy like it was for Kylie and other kids who are doing the amazing things  forgetting that we come from different backgrounds and different financial background.

Social media puts so much pressure on us to be successful at a young age which is both a good and a bad thing because it inspires you to not sleep on yourself, to do better and push yourself but on the other hand achieving your dreams/goals you need money and resources  to make them reality so a kid like me who have the determination,passion and drive but doesn’t have money or the right resources to make my dreams a reality that can really put you down and make you feel inadequate which can lead to depression or/and anxiety.

If you are stuck in a rut or feeling like you are not enough or you are a failure like i did please know that gratitude is very important;be grateful for the things you have, things you still going to have and how far you have come because there are people who lack what you packing. Think back to where you were five years ago and how far you have come and celebrate that!celebrate the fact that you are not the person you were. I know we compare ourselves a lot with our peers and it shouldn’t be like that, we are different and we are here to serve a different purpose calm down enjoy the process no one said it was going to be easy but your dreams are worth fighting for and the wait,don’t you think?. let us stop wasting our time stalking other people and lazying around but work on ourselves.

I am so grateful for my family and friends who turned into families, i am also grateful for my online family people who take time to read my blog i hope it inspires you guys and that we keep on growing, support each other and being cute.

here is a little something we did this past weekend 🙂

Location: Cape Town CBD


*Pants-The Fix

*shoes:Boots- Truworths, Sneakers-

*Bodysuit- Mr price fashion

*Purse- The Fix

*Shades- the parade

Photographer: IG @jnr_mellography (Please do follow him he is amazing at what he does)




You like the pictures? follow me on IG @Teysha_que and on twitter @QingaThabisa for more pictures and to connect with  me ❤ and don’t forget to leave me a comment and follow to be notified whenever i post :).

How to save money in University


We all want to buy all our essentials for the month still buy that dress or pants you have been eyeing or go to an event and still have a little bit of money left or we just want to be able to buy everything we need and not overspend right? well I am here for you,here are my tips on how to save money in university.

These are the things that have worked for me in the past even today and of course we are all different what works for me might not work for you and that’s Ok.

1.First and for most i think that it is important to always keep in mind the financial situation from your home and not compare or compete with your friends especially if that’s your only source of income. In uni there are people who can afford to eat out everyday and go shopping every weekend but do not try to be to be like them when you know you cannot afford that stay in your financial lane.

2.Budget Budget Budget– y’all i cannot tell you or emphasis enough how important budgeting is. you need to write down how much you get and list all your expenses and make sure that your expenses do not exceed your income.images (1)

3.Needs Vs wants– In Uni you need to get your priorities straight and keep focus. needs are all the things that you cannot live without for example food,toiletries and clothes  and wants are the things that you can live without but would love to have in my case make up, another pair of sun glasses(shades) which i am obsessed with guys pray for me.  It is important that you always prioritize your needs first like buy your groceries first babe because if you don’t you will run out of food before month end then bother your parents. You have to be responsible of yourself and think about those people who support you i know finding a job in university can be just as hard or you think it’s best you focus all your energy at school.

4.Take advantage of sales and students discounts- child! this is my favorite. Many grocery stores and retail shops have student discounts and sales so ask at the store if they have student discounts before paying i know that @thefixza have 20% student discount every Thursdays and @shoprite_SA and @checkers have a 10% students discount on Wednesday 07/February/2018 so be on the lookout for those and things like that they save you quite a bit. Dischem always have specials on things like toiletries and make up also.

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5.Set financial goals setting financial goals- makes it easy for you because you are saving towards something that motivates you. Let’s say you want a new phone or to travel cut out a picture of that place you would like to visit put it up where you can see it everyday.


6.Change Change change- guys have an ice cream container sealed with glue or a tin that you will throw in change be it R5s or 5cents whatever change throw it in there and do not look down on 10cent if you see it laying on the flow pick that baby up and put it in your container/savings. DO NOT OPEN THAT CONTAINER FOR ANYTHING EVEN IN THE RAINY DAYS UNLESS YOU SAVING FOR THEM. This is what I will be doing also this year.


Be wise with your coin keep record of what you are spending your money “Beware of little expenses; A small leak will sink a big ship”_Benjamin Franklin. If you spend most of your money on data for facebook try using free facebook from Vodacom now that is if you do not have access to the WIFI or if you buy takeaway a lot try cooking during the week if you lazy or don’t have time to cook everyday try meal preping.



Thank you for reading i hope you find this post helpful :). Please leave me a comment below sharing your saving tips.

Let’s connect:

Twitter: @QingaThabisa


#Ifollowback…see you there!

First blog post of 2018


Hey guys! happy new year. yeah I know there is only a few days left of January but for me my year just started and since this is my first blog post in 2018 I thought why not?. I hope you guys are all good and hyped up for this year as much as i am because it is going to be a great year, so many doors will be opened for us in fact they are already opened you just have to believe and claim what is yours.

Firstly I want to thank each and every one of you guys who have been following (just followed) my blogging journey and supporting me even though i was not consistent but y’all never gave up on me so thank you loves i promise i will do better this year.

summary of my 2017:

2017 was such a good year for me I learnt a lot and ticked most things on my bucket list but like everyone else  i had my bad days. I learnt that i am strong but i need God more than anything because he gives me strength and wisdom and in him i find love,peace and joy. I learnt that I am not for everyone/everything and everyone/everything is not for me. One thing I regret last year was sleeping on myself. i feel like i did not push myself hard enough i slacked on my career goals and i didn’t speak up often enough when i should have.

One of the best things was obviously starting my blog because it was something I always wanted to do but was scared of what people were going to say and i doubted myself a lot i felt like i wasn’t good enough for this, i didn’t have resources and who would want to read my blog? but thank God for my amazing support system because they made me realize that starting this blog was not for people more than it was for me. i needed to step out of my comfort-zone and prove to myself that i can do anything with whatever i have and that it is possible.

This year I want to work on my writing and publish two times a week. I will be adding new content about fashion and  events( I mean i am studying events management it’s just right for me to write about it,right), i want to work on my spiritual and mental/emotional health, i want to build my brand and grow this blog. this is cliché but i want to be the best version of myself.

I want to work for events companies to gain experience as an event planner or even produce my own events. I want 2000 Instagram followers because some brands i wanted to work with told me to gain more followers so please do follow me loves @Teysha_que. I want to read 50 books, Get a new phone, explore more of Cape town,be consistent with my blogging, Have at least 50 photo shoots by the end of the year,Be happy! and be around great people who push me and are all about positivity and chasing dreams.

Best of 2017

lets connect 🙂


Twitter: @QingaThabisa

Life is worth Living.Living it!


When I was writing this post i tried to come up with a perfect introduction but i could not so i am just going to get straight to it.

life is not perfect or fair, but then again what is?. the Oxford English dictionary define fair as “right or just:according to the rules”. life does not have rules, there is no right or wrong way to live so we can’t say life is not fair. Yes! I know life can be hard, brutal  at times but honestly after my years of suffering to say the least i am grateful for all that has happened because it made me stronger, wiser and more appreciative of life. you think your life is bad? take a look around you. look around your neighborhood,country/world, switch on your television better yet walk down the street there are people going through far worse than what you are going through. think about the homeless people and what they have to go through everyday and night just to make it through to the next day , worrying about their next meal and you have shelter,clothes and people who love you.let’s take a minute and be grateful.

We are all unique and wonderfully made. we are all here to serve different purposes that means our lives are different so are our struggles. life is what you think of it. if you think negatively about life you will attract negative things but if you have a positive mind you will get positive results,You are your thoughts. Do not let negativity consume you.

I remember a few days ago I was stressing out about the assignment i needed to print and submit in 2 days i had important classes during that week. The shuttles to campus from my residence were not operating and i only had R20 so i was freaking out because i thought i had to choose either to print or go to class then negative thoughts crawled in my mind i found myself thinking how horrible my life was because i was reminded of the past. You know how amazing our God is. He reminded me that he “will never leave me nor forsake me. that no weapon formed against me shall prosper,that he will be with me like he was with Moses”. the next morning I heard that the shuttles were operating and your girl printed her assignment 🙂 because God is a good father. he makes a way and his word never go back to him without doing what it was sent to do.

This is one of many stories that I worried about the future when i knew better but God always came through for me “proving” his faithfulness over and over again. Life is not so bad but we always let the enemy(negativity) control us.

Maybe life is perfect like we are and like our father is. This is it! this is the only life we will ever live so its best we make the best out if it. Change your attitude, educate yourself, take long walks, take yourself out, smile, unapologetic-ally go after your dreams, love, pamper yourself, believe in something, dress up, get a furry friend (i miss my puppies:( ) and most importantly surround yourself with people with the same vision as yours.

Proverbs 18:21-22 “21.From the fruit of their mouth a person’s stomach is filled;with the harvest of their lips they are satisfied.22 The tongue has the power of life and death and those who love it will eat its fruits”

Here are some of the things that make me happy and keep me motivated;

beach The ocean makes me so happy. there is just something about it that makes me feel whole. if it was up to me I’d live in the ocean or i would go to the beach every single day especially when i am sad.

let go Let Go!. “Be willing to release those things stores in your heart and mind that are causing you discomfort”_Iyanla Vanzant. sometimes we block our own blessings by holding on to the past,hurt, anger, fear, grudges and so on. Let go of the things that do not serve you right.

life is worth living Imagine you living your dreams. Act like you living your dreams. walk like you living your dreams basically live,breath,eat your dreams.

faith Believe in something. believe in yourself.

images When I am inspired i inspired that just brings so much joy and fulfillment in my heart.

life  Your life. Live it the best way you can possibly can and do you the best way you know how because no one can do you like you do you. Write your own story.

friend I love my family and friends guys because we all have been through a lot together. always been loyal to each other. these are the people who take my craziness,weirdness, stupidity and off sense of humor but still love me unconditionally and have supported my dreams even when they didn’t understand them. These people take presidency in  my life.

dogs Guys I mean doesn’t this just warms your heart? get yourself a furry friend and you will be the happiest person alive :).

love I am love. I live for love. I am made of Love.


I hope you my loves had a good read :). Please leave a comment if you have anything you’d like for me to write about or improve on.

Love Tey ❤


Let’s connect loves, follow me on Instagram: @teysha_que ( i follow back)

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Wear your feels❤🌸

I am an introvert and I don’t talk much even to my friends sometimes because I like to hear what people have to say,hear their perception on life and their stories so clothes are a way of non verbally expressing myself,my mood when you see me in the street. Every item of clothing in my wardrobe represent my personality so I do not understand when people tell me what to wear and how to wear it,I am no fashionista but I am my life’s storyteller so let me tell you, you pay attention.

There are fashion “rules” that many people go by one of them being “big girls shouldn’t wear shorts or short dresses” well I am a proud healthy thickum who loves short dresses and i look damn good in them if I do say so myself😉. I feel like women should wear whatever they want however they want to as long as they feel confident because at the end of the day that’s what matters “women being confident in their own skin and body,women expressing themselves without feeling or being judged”.

I write this blogpost with intentions to encourage young beautiful women who are reading this to bravely get out of that little box society has put you in and be your own person and tell your story through clothes not forgetting to love and respect your body.

Men! We do not wake up in the morning and get dressed with the intentions to get your attention,atleast I don’t, we dress for ourselves so please stop with those nasty comments and disgusting stares. Please be respectful and treat women how you would like your sister,mother or daughter to be treated by men.

Let’s talk about this dress☺🌸.

This floral little number is one of my favorite item(s) of clothing at the moment you can wear it to a lunch date,dinner,shopping even to a turn up dress it up or down its just one perfect little thing. I absolutely love the fabric and the quality I can tell its going to be around for a while.the Raffles add a little drama to it,sexy and a little dramatic like someone I know very well. Lol.

What are you loving this hot season?

Thank you to @kijadesignsandphotography for the beautiful snaps

Please follow me on IG @Teysha_que